
Welcome to my HE blog ..

Monday, 11 December 2017

OO Design

Using OO Design within Unreal

Object-oriented design is one part of the overall design process and should be seen in this context. Normally object-oriented design would start after completion of the creative phase (development of concepts and ideas) and would be used to flesh out ideas. The object approach can then be used to plan the detailed implementation of a project to ensure that milestones and other parameters are met.

OO Design Work

We have looked at Water Features in the past but this is an enviromental affect.

Now we need to look at OO Design we need within  the game we are creating.

We need elements like non player characters (NPC's which are a form of AI Characters).

These NPC's need to move around the map and also need to interact (attack usually) with the player character (PC). Also the PC needs a health bar so they can take damage. Then we need a way for the PC to attack / fight the NPC's. We can also look at elements like inventories etc as well.

In Unreal we use a concept called blueprinting to do this.

So I have created a video series on youtube to teach these elements.

So lets start out with the Player character having a health bar.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

NW603COM Assignment 2

NWC603COM Assignment Two 

AI and Games

Learning Outcomes to be assessed in this assignment
Evaluate suitable core AI elements and their suitability to different game contexts and then generate ideas and concepts to use AI elements in a computer game.. 

Portfolio - Documentation and oral examination (viva)

This portfolio represents 20% of the module mark.


Blog your game ideas and in particular how AI can be used within it. Describe the various elements you are doing and how they apply to this concept you are proposing.

So in basic terms talk about all the elements and how they could be used in a game and then for the main element focus on it in more detail pls.

This document / blog should also contain information on what type of game you are planning for the assignment and what techniques you deem suitable.


In a short viva you will be asked about your game concept and the various AI elements. Number of questions about the previous weeks’ topics, aimed at testing your understanding as well as to explain your game design ideas, described on your document / blog.

Deadline 30/11/17

Reply to this post with a link to you Assignment Two Blog

Monday, 6 November 2017

Unit 36

What do these acronyms mean? Evaluate and compare each one..

Proxy Server / Proxy address

Write a report highlighting the concepts of web application.
From the list below what each of them are in relation to web applications.

Focus on these concepts :-
Users – Who is the user of the site, what is a novice a expert etc.
Site – who uses the site and why?
Accessibility – vision impairment with larger fonts etc.
Legislation – Data protection act, how does that affect sites?
Functionality – What is a shopping cart? What other are the other elements?
Scripting language used by application – PHP, ASP, JSP what are they and how are they used?
What security concerns do we have with web services?

Assignment One   Upload point
Assignment Two   Upload point

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Unit 10 and 14 Assignment One

Website Design : Assignment One – the draft
Structure of this assignment :-

So for your Emerging techs research now create a website to showcase this research.

This website should have :-

Home Page : Details about the technology what it is and an introduction to this technology and a YouTube that shows this technology.

Impact Page : What impact does this have on society?

How does this tech impact on our lives? Are jobs lost or created? Does it make life easier?

Ethics Page : Ethical implications, how does this technology impact ethically in our lives?

Evolution Page :

What does this technology replace (if anything)?

Where does this technology evolve from ?

and another page of your own choice that is about the technology in question

I will need written up (in a blog or Doc post)

Cover Page : Title of website

Contents Page: table of contents

Background : Why did you choose this website? Give reason and rational behind this decision.
Discuss HCI issues. Colour choices and why, Hofstede's Indices and why.

Client Brief : What does the client want? Describe what in rough terms is the contents of each page.

Initial Draft : Give initial sketches and initial ideas of website before you spoke to the customer.

Client feedback : You had a meeting / many meetings with the client.
What was said?
Show correspondence with client.
What was agreed (and why)?
Was their a difference in opinion ?
Did you suggest something the client didn’t want
Did the client suggest something you disagreed with?
What was said at the meeting? How long was the meeting? What was the date?

Second draft : Changes made to draft as an outcome of meeting
What were the changes that was agreed with.
Show these draft pages (all 5 if 5 is agreed number of pages)
What's the colour Scheme? 
What other HCI aspects are catered for?
Has the client seen this secondary draft? What do they think?

Concluding points
Whats next ?
How long do you think it will take?
Who is doing what and why?
Who is the target audience?

Merit is given for clear structure and ease of readability

First Draft 11th Dec 2017                Upload point
Feedback given on 14th Dec 2017
Second Draft 22nd Dec 2017          Upload point

NWC603COM Assignment One

NWC603COM Assignment One 

AI and Games

Learning Outcomes to be assessed in this assignment
Evaluate suitable core AI elements and their suitability to different game contexts and then generate ideas and concepts to use AI elements in a computer game.. 

Portfolio - Documentation and oral examination (viva)

This portfolio represents 20% of the module mark.


For this portfolio you are asked to submit a Document (can be a blogs) in which you should in detail describe:-
 The new AI topics you learnt
  • A brief analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the techniques including in in what type of game or for what type of behaviour or effect these techniques are suitable.
  • Any additional resources beyond the course material that you have found while analysing strengths and weaknesses.
This document / blog should also contain information on what type of game you are planning for the assignment and what techniques you deem suitable.


In a short viva you will be asked a number of questions about the previous weeks’ topics, aimed at testing your understanding as well as to explain your game design and AI choices for the assignment, described on your blog.
Reply to this post with a link to you Assignment One Blog

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Degree Project

BSc Creative Computing Project

This double unit (40 Credits) is the the culmination of the BSc Creative Computing degree - it gives students a chance to demonstrate all they have learned. It is be the most demanding part of this degree. Although students are supervised, they are on their own to a large extent. The project can be based on one of the units delivered this year, but does not need to be.The First step of a project is to come up with 4 or 5 initial ideas the student has. The student discusses these ideas with the project supervisor and from these initial ideas the student chooses a project. This then is presented (technically this is a viva) and graded.

Then after a successful viva the students implement the project creating a weekly blog as they go. This blog contains what the students do each week on the chosen project and is eventually submitted and is graded.

Aims and Summary

Through the execution of a challenging and complex Final Major Project students will demonstrate their progress and professional development. Students will be required to initiate, negotiate and manage the project and are encouraged to work collaboratively with clients, organisations and audiences to establish realistic and externally tested concepts and products. Students will be required to carry out contextual research and investigation to inform and direct ideas towards high quality, challenging and creative computing outcomes or products. These must be presented professionally and will demonstrate effective utilisation and application of appropriate techniques and processes to meet industry standards. Students will be required to ensure that their work conforms to appropriate codes of practice and meets the ethical requirements your College or University. Support and guidance will be provided by a project supervisor who will be the primary point of contact for a student on this module.

Intended Module Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module students should be able to:
  1. Produce and present an informed Final Major Project Proposal under supervision of an academic staff, and plan, appropriate to the form, content and style of the project. 
  2. Carry out contextual independent research and conceptual development informing and strategically directing ideas towards resolving a complex and challenging creative project brief(s) 
  3. Demonstrate evidence of synthesis and application of production processes and technical skills, utilising these effectively to produce finished outcomes reflecting practice and professional management. 
  4. Produce and appropriately present finished outcomes to industry standards.

So on the 11th of June you will do a final presentation of the project including a demonstration of the product. Also include a sample of research undertaken and blog created. Discussion should include problems encountered and how they were (or not) overcome. With Q&A at the end. This presentation should be approx 15 mins and is recorded.

To be handed in on the 28th of May is the project documentation (including code in appendix if appropriate). This documentation includes (as a minimum) :-
  • Initial project proposal.
  • Blog (with research included).
  • video of product in action
  • Critical reflection on project with peer review if needed. 

Monday, 9 October 2017


Unit 35: Web Applications Development

In this unit we use PhP and Mysql as well as look at cookies.

PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but is also used as a general-purpose programming language (

The beauty of PHP is that because it is server side script all that a client sees is what ever is pumped out of the PHP echo commands as pure HTML.

Here is the standard hello world code using php.

PHP code starts with <?php that tells the server to intercept this code.

echo are used to send HTML data to client side services like web browsers.

The ?> is the signal to say this is the end of the PHP code.

echo "Hello world!";

Look at this pdf with some sample PHP code.

Before you start playing with PHP you need access to a web server and a decent editor.

I suggest setting up a WAMP server on a PC/LAPTOP (
and for editing I use notepad ++ (

Sunday, 1 October 2017

new project

HND Project

The project is an all year task that all HND students undertake.

The project can be a 3D game (that students work together to make) or it can be a CMS web based system (including the various systems, hardware and software used) or a Network Solution (security system, network for a customer)

One important task is that a project can be done solo or in groups, however individual work is marked, not the group effort!

Here is my PowerPoint of all the elements needed to do the project this year

HND Project

Now have a think about what you want to do for a project?

Reply to this post with your ideas...

Projects previous students have done :-

My project is PHP and MySQL browser based fantasy game. The graphical elements and code are being developed on a Raspberry Pi 2 running RISC OS and tested on a Raspberry Pi b running Apache and MySQL on Raspbian Jessie.

My Unit 4 project is going to a 3D game made in Unity 3D, the game is called Wilderness and will be a survival game made from scratch.

For Unit 4 (Project) I will be creating a CMS Website for a Client, this will allow my client to control and manage the content shown on the website. The site will consists of 4 Pages and a PHP contact form.

Monday, 11 September 2017

Unit 26 and 2 Task 4

Task 4

Discuss any future improvements that could be made to the network that you have implemented and any changes that could be made.  You need to consider scalability, hardware and bandwidth.
(Unit 26 LO3 – 4.1)

Design a maintenance schedule to support the computer system / network.
(Unit 26 L03 - 4.2 & Unit 2 LO3 – 4.1)

Consider :-

  • Infrastructure performance: network monitoring tools, user access, traffic analysis, bandwidth monitoring, checking configuration, checking rules, show commands, traceroute
  • Consider backups and for computer systems in high use areas / dirty work shop’s / factory floors.
  • Then look at upgrades that need to be undertaken on computer systems.

(Unit 26 L03 - 4.2)

Consider :-

  • When and why do you do software upgrades?
  • When and why do we upgrade hardware on a computer system and when do we just replace the system?

This covers the following criteria :

Unit 26
LO4: Be able to support small or home office networks
4.1 Discuss future improvements for the small or home office network
4.2 Design a maintenance schedule to support a small or home office network.

Unit 2
LO4: Be able to undertake routine maintenance on computer systems
4.1 perform routine maintenance tasks on a computer system.
4.2 upgrade the software and hardware on a computer system.

Write all this up and upload before 28th May 2018

Unit 26 and 2 Task 3

Task 3

You now need to set up the final design and implement it.

From the design setup and implement the computer system and network.
(Unit 26 L03 - 3.1 & Unit 2 LO3 – 3.1)

Once the computer system and network is set up you need to setup the computer system and test it.  (Unit 26 L03 - 3.2 & Unit 2 LO3 – 3.2)

This should include any screenshots or documentation to evidence.  Include a network diagram with IP addresses, security information; this can be designed in any suitable software.
(Unit 26 L03:3.3)

The tests should consider the following:
  • Internet access.
  • Security considerations and addressing,
  • Firewall settings.

This covers the following criteria :

Within the Context of our Labs
I am expecting :-

  • The setup of at least 2 PC systems
  • Each system should be a different OS
  • The tests are testing the installed Apps and adding other apps such as AV.
  • Firewalls should be considered
  • Internet access needed to be tested using browsers and console commands.
  • What users are setup ? Can you add more?
Due 10/5/18

Unit 26:
LO3: Be able to implement small or home office networks
3.1  implement a small or home office network solution based on a prepared design
3.2  test the small or home office network solution to meet user requirements
3.3  document and analyse test results against expected results

Unit 2:
LO3: Be able to build and configure computer systems
3.1 build and configure a computer system to meet a design specification.
3.2 test and document a computer system.

Unit 26 and 2 Task 2

Task 2 

Research and design a small office network to meet the needs of a small office. There are 5 desktop PC’s and 2 laptops that need to be networked.  Also provision is needed for mobile devices such as tablets and mobile phones to connect and share resources.
A network printer is required as well as a Network Storage Device for file sharing. The staff will also need wireless technology to connect to the network, to enable the connection of smartphones, Ipads etc.

You need to produce a design plan (using a network diagram in Visio or equivalent software)
(Unit 26 and unit 2 LO2:2.1)

Produce a report from the feedback given and analyse the changes to the design you need. Where necessary carry out further research about the changes to the design.
(Unit 26 and unit 2 LO2:2.2)

  • The computers need to be able to share files between staff.
  • All computers to have Internet access.
  • Office application software and email software is required.
  • High resolution graphics, with dual monitor display if possible.
  • New updated industry standard graphic design software.
  • A printer is required to produce high quality colour prints.
  • Any other input/output/storage devices
  • Latest technology and easy upgradeability.
  • Backup data.
  • Bandwidth usage of system.
  • Network Security
  • Networked devices
  • Scalability on network
  • A budget of £10k to £15k has been allocated.

Finally you need to evaluate the suitability of your proposed system specification and compare the suitability of the system design specification.

This covers the following criteria :

Unit 26
LO2: Be able to design small or home office networks
2.1 Design a small or home office network solution to meet a given specification
2.2 Evaluate the design and analyse user feedback

Unit 2
LO2: Be able to design computer systems
2.1 Produce a system design specification to meet a client’s needs.
2.2 Evaluate the suitability of a system design specification.

Write all this up and upload on 13th April 2018

Unit 26 and 2 Task 1

Task 1

You’re niche market VAR and you resell gadgets, specifically reselling ‘internet of things’ devices. You demonstrate a lot of these devices in this rented space, also you need capabilities to have mobile kit so you can demonstrate this type of kit outside your office remotely to customers around the world potentially. Look at each of these environments and prepare either a presentation or a document to cover :-
You need to compare their use in the following environments:

  • Home
  • Large Business
  • Gaming
  • Small Business
  • Real time
  • Communication

This covers the following criteria :

Unit 2 :LO1

Understand the function of computer systems

1.1  explain the role of computer systems in different environments
1.2  explain the hardware, software and peripheral components of a computer system
1.3  compare different types of computer systems

Unit 26: LO1

Understand the impact of small or home office networks

1.1  evaluate the usage and impact of current small or home office networks

Write all this up and upload on 15th March 2018


Students will do an Initial presentation of their project :-

Which mainly focuses on the project specification

Initial Ideas (at least 3 pls), why they are not picked and then the chosen idea.
What is the project?
• Initial sketches / small scale demo

Who is doing this Project?
Who is target audience?
Why are you doing this project?
What is time scale of project

Upload the video and PowerPoint to this post.
Deadline is 20/11/2017

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Emerging Technology 2017

Emerging Technology

In this 'day and age' technology is a large part of our everyday life. Just look at the impact the mobile phone has had on our life. The phone started as a expensive fixed device in our houses that we used to communicate with people. It saved time from having to physically meet everyone face to face.

Now the phone is mobile, cheap and smart. Has this device really improved our lives? Has the standard of living really improved for people? Are people just becoming less social and more like walking zombies engaged just with a 5 inch screen and 'zoned out' from the rest of the world?

My Prezi on Emerging Tech

These questions are what we need to ask in this unit.

We look at emerging technologies that are about to enter the market.

We evaluate where they come from and what they do that was not done before. Some emerging technologies replace existing technologies, some work with and add functionality and some do something new.

Examples of technologies previous students are looking at are :-

  1. Photonic Memory
  2. AI Pilots
  3. Liquid biopsies
  4. Wearable tech pixel buds
  5. Machine learning
  6. Facial recoginition of payments
  7. Virtual Reality
  8. LiFi
  9. Airless tires
  10. Artificial Leaf
  11. Artificial Brain
  12. Amazon Go
  13. Satellite Internet
When we look at these new technologies we need to consider certain factors
  • Explain this technology and explain how it is used ?
  • Find a YouTube (or similar video clip) explaining this new technology. 
  • Look at the impact on society, how does this tech impact on our lives? 
  • Ethical implications, how does this technology impact ethically in our lives? 
  • What does this technology replace (if anything)? 
  • Where does this technology evolve from ?
Assignment start date : 9/10/17
Assignment Due date : 27/11/17 

give links to videos here...

Monday, 27 March 2017

Webdesign Assignment Three

Webdesign Assignment Three 

Create a handover document passing your website over to a potential client.

Show what the final website is to the client.

Then critically reviewed your website comparing it to other websites that offer similar services. Take into account both positive and negative factors in the website. Be realistic about your own abilities compared to professional web design companies.

Now it’s time to reflect on the process and look at other HCI developments.

Create a report (in any form you want) that looks at recent HCI developments and how they are used. So look at mobile webs and how they differ from their large screened PC cousins. What are the significant differences and how and why have they come about?

How would you develop a website that could work on mobile and full screen or are they separate, discuss this concept and give example?

This covers Unit 10: Human Computer Interaction

The document to cover the following :

Understand recent human computer interaction related developments and their

HCI: historical development; motivation; techniques; guidelines; principles; standards.
Developments in technology: changing workstation environments eg screens, keyboards,
pointing devices; other non standard input/output devices eg speech recognition; related
processing developments and information storage possibilities
Developments in HCI: examples eg virtual machines with command line input, graphical
interfaces, screen design for intensive data entry; intelligent HCIs; virtual personas; changing
concepts of ‘look and feel’
User issues: range of users eg expert, regular, occasional, novice, special needs; ergonomics; human information processing; impact on the workplace

Development of systems: new developments eg event-driven systems, use of multimedia;
modelling techniques; implication of new developments on user interfaces; implication of
developments on hardware eg storage, processing requirements; convergence of systems
Applications: selection of HCIs eg touchscreen, voice activated

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Unit 26 & 2: Task 4 and 5

Unit 26 & 2: Task 4 and 5

You are designing a SOHO solution for your office

You have created 2 solutions a budget one and a deluxe one and a room layout off how this is setup.

You present this to your small business adviser and he accept it but then tells you of a opportunity that has arisen. An angel investor is wishing to invest upto 100K  in a small business. The investor has a keen interest in gadgets and web enabled devices.

So looking at your setup how could you scale it so this investor can invest in your business (and get a significant shareholding, image Dragon's den concept).

So now give another solution that would looks professional, has lots of kit, bigger area, more staff.
So now consider one more staff member ( a sales assistant and tech support in one..)
Double the size floor area, more than double the gadgets.
Cost of setting up a website and marketing (do some research).
Also what about supporting your customers once they have purchased a device ?

Then think about maintenance. With all these gadgets and kit it needs to be looked after. All have software (IOS / Andriod / windows / linus / mac OS) all need updating from time to time.

How would you do this?
Why would you do this?
How would you deal with a customer with a problem with a gadget you bought from you?

Include the following:

  • Devices: number of connected devices; anticipated participation  
  • Bandwidth: average load; peak load; local Internet availability; cost constraint  
  • Users: quality expectations; concept of system growth  
  • Applications: requirements eg security, quality of service  
  • Communications: considerations eg suited to devices, suited to users, lifestyle preferences, commercial requirements  
  • Scalable: considerations eg supporting device growth, supporting additional devices, bandwidth use trend change  
  • Security: considerations eg addressing policy, device participation, firewall rules, encryption preference 

From the report create a A4 sized layout now, with equipment laid out and also for each device proposed IP addresses of devices. In small group set this up in the lab  (Obviously you don't have IOT devices, but use you imaginationation and set what you can up).

How long would this take to setup? (use your notes from this practical session)
How can you test it? (show some tests, suggest some tests, use practical and theory for this)

The tests should consider the following:

Internet access.
Security considerations and addressing,
•  Firewall settings.
Suggest how internet of things devices could connect to this mock setup

This covers :-

Unit 26
LO4: Be able to support small or home office networks
4.1  discuss future improvements for the small or home office network
4.2 design a maintenance schedule to support a small or home office network.

Unit 2
 LO4 : Be able to undertake routine maintenance on computer systems  
 4.1 perform routine maintenance tasks on a computer system. 
 4.2 upgrade the software and hardware on a computer system. 

Unit 3
LO4 : Be able to develop strategies for problem solving
4.1  review tools and methods for developing solutions to problems
4.2  develop an appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem
4.3 evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Games Design : Unit 37/38 & 39

I have created a video series of how to create elements needed for a game

So first of all we need a Health Bar.

In this video I introduce a simple health bar and health regeneration concept.

Then we need the NPC to move around AI Movement

In these two videos we look at two ways a NPC character can move around. 

Random AI Movement

Fixed Patrol tutorial

Then we need the PC to take some damage when the NPC engaged with them.

PC taking damage from NPC and a simple blood splattering affect.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Unit 26 & 2: Task 2 and 3

Unit 26 & 2: Task 2 and 3

You are designing a SOHO solution for your office

What would you need (from an empty room, no kit or furniture)? List the equipment needed.

What's the cheapest solution you could have? (justify)

Give another solution that would look more professional, has better kit and is still under 15k (aim for 10k).

Give both a Deluxe and budget solution (both within 10k to 15k for 2nd option).

You need to produce a design plan (using a network diagram in Visio)  (Unit 26 LO2:2.1 Unit 2: LO2:2.1)

Show this to the customer and gather feedback from them about this plan.

Produce a report from the feedback given and analyse the changes to the design you need. Evaluate the updated system looking at feedback from your client. Where necessary carry out further research about the changes to the design.  (Unit 26 LO2:2.2 Unit 2:LO2 2.2)

Include the following:

  • Devices: number of connected devices; anticipated participation  
  • Bandwidth: average load; peak load; local Internet availability; cost constraint  
  • Users: quality expectations; concept of system growth  
  • Applications: requirements eg security, quality of service  
  • Communications: considerations eg suited to devices, suited to users, lifestyle preferences, commercial requirements  
  • Scalable: considerations eg supporting device growth, supporting additional devices, bandwidth use trend change  
  • Security: considerations eg addressing policy, device participation, firewall rules, encryption preference 

From the report create a A4 sized layout now, with equipment laid out and also for each device proposed IP addresses of devices. In small group set this up in the lab  (Obviously you don't have IOT devices, but use you imaginationation and set what you can up).

How long would this take to setup? (use your notes from this practical session)
How can you test it? (show some tests, suggest some tests, use practical and theory for this)

The tests should consider the following:

Internet access.
Security considerations and addressing,
Firewall settings.
Suggest how internet of things devices could connect to this mock setup

This covers :-

Unit 26 
LO2 : Be able to design small or home office networks
2.1  design a small or home office network solution to meet a given specification
2.2  evaluate the design and analyse user feedback
LO3 : Be able to implement small or home office networks
3.1  implement a small or home office network solution based on a prepared design
3.2  test the small or home office network solution to meet user requirements
3.3  document and analyse test results against expected results

Unit 2
LO2: Be able to design computer systems
2.1 produce a system design specification to meet a client’s needs.
2.2 evaluate the suitability of a system design specification.
LO3 : Be able to build and configure computer systems
3.1 build and configure a computer system to meet a design specification.
3.2 test and document a computer system.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Task one : 26 / 2/ 3

Task 1(2/2/17 - 23/2/17 )

Before designing and implementing a Small Home or Office Network (SOHO) you need to understand the impact of them.

Research and evaluate the usage and impact of current small or home office networks.  There are a range of devices that connect to a network evaluate the impact on the following (if they are relevant) 
(Unit 26 : LO1)

  • Routing hardware: hardware eg access routers, distribution routers, core switches, layer 3 switches

  • Routing protocols: protocol eg interior routing protocols, exterior routing, static routing

  • Protocol management: management eg redistribution between protocols, route maps, route filters

  • Device management: management eg password control, access levels, configuration storage, remote access

  • Network management: types eg address allocation, interface configuration, load balancing, mirroring, costing routes, changing metrics, hop-count

  • Security: requirements eg MD5 hash (Message Digest), update control, access control lists, directed updates, tunnelling

Blog this or write this up as a word document and provide a link as a reply to this post.

Use the list above as heading to write from and link with SOHO scenario given in powerpoint provided. Some of the above element may not be relevant to SOHO scenario so for these element do a general research.

Remember :-
Reference all research with citation using Harvard referencing style.
I need title page, contents and page numbering.

As a reference I expect a least 5 pages with references.

Monday, 30 January 2017

upload 2

Task 1)
Investigate what the hardware and software is needed to used, both for a simple low usage test system and a high usage production system. Document both these system for you manage, both hardware and software requirements (U36 LO2 2.2).

For a test system you are looking for max of 5 people using it and for production system up to 500 users could use this system.

Task 2)

Now it’s time for you to setup a low usage test system, document how this is done and what you used and why (U36 LO3)

Cover what the server can do, how it is configured. How databases can be used on it etc.
Also show the web app been used (errors as well as successes) (U35 LO2).

Critically test and review the system.

For Merit Work:
Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored (U36/U35 M2 )
For Distinction Work: receptiveness to new ideas is evident (U35/U36 D2)

Task 3)

Now design the web application as specified. Show your php code and how the mysql database is setup (what are the fields etc) (U36 LO4 4.1 / 4.2 + U35 LO3)

Screenshot and document the development process and your ideas.

For Merit Work: coherent, logical development of principles/concepts for the intended audience (U36/U35 M3 )
For Distinction Work: convergent and lateral thinking have been applied (U35/U36 D3)

Task 4)

(U36 LO4 4.3/4.4 + U35 LO4)

Test the system both hardware and software and critically review its performance.

Does the system you created work as per brief?
Can you edit the address book?
Can you just view addresses and not edit them?
What errors do you have?
Does it work at all?

What security have you used and why?

Does it work at all?

(An non – working system is not a failure, just document what happens and then discuss what you wanted)

upload one

Task 1)

Your manager want to understand the technologies involved in an internet services and wants an explanations of the acronyms that are going around also what web services are and also security concerns with web servers.

So create a table and critically evaluate these different internet technologies language explain what the following acronyms mean and how and when they would be used (U36 LO1 1.1 + 1.2) :-

DHCP, DNS, TCP/IP, SNMP, FTP, WWW, OSI, Proxy Server / Proxy address, Switch, Hub, Router, Server, Client.

Then just looking at web applications write a report which critically evaluates and highlights the concepts of web application (U35 LO1 1.1).

Focus on these concepts :-

Users – Who is the user of the site, what is a novice an expert etc.
Site – who uses the site and why?
Accessibility – vision impairment with larger fonts etc.
Legislation – Data protection act, how does that affect sites?
Functionality – What is a shopping cart? What other are the other elements?
Scripting language used by application – PHP, ASP, JSP what are they and how are they used?
What security concerns do we have with web services?

For Merit Work: Show effective Judgements. (U35/U36 LO1 M1)

For Distinction Work: Should show that you have had your own thoughts and processed the research and come up with original thoughts and ideas about the subject(U35/U36 LO1 D1)

Monday, 16 January 2017

Assignment One : unit 3839

Unit 37: Digital Image Creation and Development
Unit 38: 3D Computer Modelling and Animation
Unit 39: Computer Games Design and Development

Theory of games design

Load up and have a look at 3 3D computer modelling software packages.

Maya, 3D studio max and Blender.

When you are looking at them compare all 3 for usability and functionality. Do some research into what the requirements are for each application.

Then compare 3 computer games.

Do an unbiased report on all 3 games, try to pick games on different platforms and also have at least one of the games that span multiple platforms.

Assignment One for Unit 38 and Unit 39
Assignment Two for Unit 38 and 39
Assignment Three for Unit 37

Write all this up as an assignment.

Unit 71: Assignment one upload point

Upload your work to this post pls.