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Sunday, 25 February 2018

PHASER Game States

When Using the PHASER gaming engine their are several consideration we need to take. The Engine version itself is important we use and I use Phaser v2.9.1 Engine

The file is here

The Engine is actually a file called phaser.min.js and is actually a massive library of functions we call.

Its called at the top of  main HTML file we use in the head section 

Like this :-

<script src="js\phaser.min.js"></script>

I put it in a sub directory called JS but it can equally be in the assets folder or in the root directory (buts that is not very good design).

When you go through the example shown before you see all the code is done with in the actual HTML code within <script> tags to show it is Javascript. In reality this is poor code design and is cumbersome and not very reusable.

To get around this we use game states that are reusable Javascript code segments stored in individual files. We use (at least intially) 3 main pieces of code. These are preload, create and update codes.
These are also imported in the head section of HTML.

<script src="js/preload.js"></script>
<script src="js/create.js"></script>
<script src="js/update.js"></script>

Each code section does different elements but if you look at the tutorial you see all of them shown in the HTML section in the <script> section. By separating them away from the HTML and doing them as separate code we are starting to use true event driven code design which is efficient and reusable.

Here is a link to my code download it and put in on your web server (using the folders it creates or it wont work in the WWW folder on a WAMP server).

Within the HTML file (I use index.html in my example)

var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });
game.state.add('Preloader', Preloader);
game.state.add('create', create);
game.state.add('update', update);

One thing to notice / be aware of is each game state calls the next, in my example preloader starts fitst then when it finishes it calls create and then that calls update.

When creating a game with multiple levels you would create separate code for each level (or page). So as each level is complete it calls the next level. 

I will show this happening in my next blog...

Have fun and keep on gaming

OO Design post

Object Oriented Design 

In  simple terms this unit is using code to develop how :-

Non player character : So looking at how a AI character interacts with its environment and the player character.

Code we use within a environment.

Code we use within a player character.

Within Unreal 4 engine we use blueprints (simpler than c++ code)

I have been reading many forums and watching many youtube tutorials.

A good one is a series by 'MrFantasticGhost' called Horror game, which links with our theme of 'Killer Clowns'.

Below is a link to the series.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Task 1 : games design

Task 1: Games Review

For Games Design in a table critically compare different types of computer games and
their platforms they run on. So you could compare GTA5 on PS3 to Gears of War on Xbox to Mario
on Wii U. I would expect at least 3 modern games and 3 difference modern platforms. Then in a
separate paragraph compare the way the games are controlled (i.e. compare the controllers) and
give your view as to advantages and disadvantages to the controller methods available.

Then to Conclude with a look at the impact computer games has had on society. List the good and bad aspects that gaming has given.

Look at these posts.

Task 2 :

Look at Maya, 3D studio Max and Blender compare these modelling and animation software and compare and contrast them. Look at the technical requirements for them as well. Use a similar approach to how you reviewed the games. Include costing as well.

Deadline : 2/4/18

Thursday, 8 February 2018


Task 1)

Investigate what the hardware and software is needed to used, both for a simple low usage test system and a high usage production system. Document both these system for you manage, both hardware and software requirements. For a test system you are looking for max of 5 people using it and for production system up to 500 users could use this system.

Task 2)

Now it’s time for you to setup a low usage test system, document how this is done and what you used and why.

Cover what the server can do, how it is configured. How databases can be used on it etc.

Also show the web app been used (errors as well as successes).

Critically test and review the system.

Task 3)

Now design the web application as specified. Show your php code and how the mysql database is setup (what are the fields etc).

Screenshot and document the development process and your ideas.

This covers the following BTEC criteria :-

Task 4)

Test the system both hardware and software and critically review its performance.

Does the system you created work as per brief?
Can you edit the address book?
Can you just view addresses and not edit them?
What errors do you have?
Does it work at all?
What security have you used and why?
Does it work at all?

(An non – working system is not a failure, just document what happens and then discuss what you wanted)

Thursday, 1 February 2018

SOHO : Scenario One

Design a SOHO solution for your office

You are a small Niche IT VAR working from a rented space.

You’re niche market VAR and you resell gadgets, specifically reselling ‘internet of things’ devices. You demonstrate a lot of these devices in this rented space, also you need capabilities to have mobile kit so you can demonstrate this type of kit outside your office remotely to customers around the world potentially.

What would you need (from a empty room, no kit or furniture)? 

List equipment.

What's the cheapest solution you could have? (justify)

Give another solution that would look more professional has better kit and is still under 15k (aim for 10k).

Then I need both a home and mobile* solution (both within 15 to 10k for 2nd option).

*Mobile as in you can take elements to customers to show them directly.

Part of this process is project management.
  1. Your doing it (so no cost except time). 
  2. Assume you are in sales and don’t know IT and cost of 3rd party doing all setup. 
You need a secure room to store stock.

Create a Visio diagram of officer layout including all kit needed and location of desks, doors etc.

Task One
Task Two
Task Three
Task Four

Unit 71: Assignment one upload point

Upload your work to this post pls.