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Thursday, 17 December 2015

Funky HTML effects

Funky HTML5 Effects

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="canvas.js"></script>
<title>Untitled Document</title>


<canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400" style="border:1px solid #c3c3c3;">


Monday, 2 November 2015

Unreal 4 Kismet Code

Unreal 4 basic AI scripting

Linked is a PDF I have created showing some basic AI scripting using unreal 4 engine.

Start with 3rd Person template.

Open up blueprints and duplicate the 3rd Person blueprint and rename to AI.

Kismet Code

Monday, 26 October 2015

HND: Games Design ass2

Unit 37: Digital Image Creation and Development
Unit 38: 3D Computer Modelling and Animation
Unit 39: Computer Games Design and Development

Theory of games design

Load up and have a look at 3 3D computer modelling software packages.

Maya, 3D studio max and Blender.

When you are looking at them compare all 3 for usability and functionality. Do some research into what the requirements are for each application.

Then compare 3 computer games.

Do an unbiased report on all 3 games, try to pick games on different platforms and also have at least one of the games that span multiple platforms.

Assignment One for Unit 38 and Unit 39

Write all this up as an assignment.

Then we work on the game (unit 37 /38 and 39) : Assignment 2

The task is to create 3 rooms which are interconnected. Two of the rooms are to explore and the 3rd room contains the zombies (bots).

The first room is the largest and is set in an outside environment with landscaping and grass and some water features.

The Second room is a cave linked from the first room and has a pool in the centre and limited lighting.

The third room is access via a door at the end of the cave and this room has zombies which will attack the player on sight.

Monday, 12 October 2015

HND : Project

HND Project

The project is an all year task that all HND students undertake.

The project can be a 3D game (that students work together to make) or it can be a CMS web based system (including the various systems, hardware and software used) or a Network Solution (security system, network for a customer)

One important task is that a project can be done solo or in groups, however individual work is marked, not the group effort!

Here is my PowerPoint of all the elements needed to do the project this year

HND Project

Project Assignment

So now its up to you, come up with a project idea and reply to this post with it.

HND : Games design

Unit 37: Digital Image Creation and Development
Unit 38: 3D Computer Modelling and Animation
Unit 39: Computer Games Design and Development

Theory of games design

Load up and have a look at 3 3D computer modelling software packages.

Maya, 3D studio max and Blender.

When you are looking at them compare all 3 for usability and functionality. Do some research into what the requirements are for each application.

Then compare 3 computer games.

Do an unbiased report on all 3 games, try to pick games on different platforms and also have at least one of the games that span multiple platforms.

Assignment One for Unit 38 and Unit 39

Write all this up as an assignment.

HNC: Emerging Technologies.

Emerging Technology

In this 'day and age' technology is a large part of our everyday life. Just look at the impact the mobile phone has had on our life. The phone started as a expensive fixed device in our houses that we used to communicate with people. It saved time from having to physically meet everyone face to face.

Now the phone is mobile, cheap and smart. Has this device really improved our lives? Has the standard of living really improved for people? Are people just becoming less social and more like walking zombies engaged just with a 5 inch screen and 'zoned out' from the rest of the world?

These questions are what we need to ask in this unit.

We look at emerging technologies that are about to enter the market.

We evaluate where they come from and what they do that was not done before. Some emerging technologies replace existing technologies, some work with and add functionality and some do something new.

Examples of technologies previous students have looked at are :-
  1. Raspberry Pi
  2. Google Glass
  3. 3D Printing
  4. Drones
  5. Exo Skeleton (for fire fighting)
  6. Ultra HD TV
  7. Wearable Tech (smart phones, rings etc)
  8. Bio Implants
  9. Graphene tech
  10. Self drive cars 
  11. 5G
  12. AI
  13. Quantum computing
  14. Hololens
  15. Circret
  16. Fog Computing
  17. Hoverboards
When we look at these new technologies we need to consider certain factors
  • Explain this technology and explain how it is used.
  • Find a YouTube (or similar video clip) explaining this new technology. 
  • Look at the impact on society, how does this tech impact on our lives?
  • Ethical implications, how does this technology impact ethically in our lives?
  • What does this technology replace (if anything)?
  • Where does this technology evolve from

Unit 71: Assignment one upload point

Upload your work to this post pls.