NWC603COM Assignment Two
AI and Games
Learning Outcomes to be assessed in this assignment
Evaluate suitable core AI elements and their suitability to different game contexts and then generate ideas and concepts to use AI elements in a computer game..
Portfolio - Documentation and oral examination (viva)
This portfolio represents 20% of the module mark.
Blog your game ideas and in particular how AI can be used within it. Describe the various elements you are doing and how they apply to this concept you are proposing.
So in basic terms talk about all the elements and how they could be used in a game and then for the main element focus on it in more detail pls.
This document / blog should also contain information on what type of game you are planning for the assignment and what techniques you deem suitable.
Blog your game ideas and in particular how AI can be used within it. Describe the various elements you are doing and how they apply to this concept you are proposing.
So in basic terms talk about all the elements and how they could be used in a game and then for the main element focus on it in more detail pls.
This document / blog should also contain information on what type of game you are planning for the assignment and what techniques you deem suitable.
Deadline 30/11/17
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