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Monday, 30 January 2017

upload 2

Task 1)
Investigate what the hardware and software is needed to used, both for a simple low usage test system and a high usage production system. Document both these system for you manage, both hardware and software requirements (U36 LO2 2.2).

For a test system you are looking for max of 5 people using it and for production system up to 500 users could use this system.

Task 2)

Now it’s time for you to setup a low usage test system, document how this is done and what you used and why (U36 LO3)

Cover what the server can do, how it is configured. How databases can be used on it etc.
Also show the web app been used (errors as well as successes) (U35 LO2).

Critically test and review the system.

For Merit Work:
Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored (U36/U35 M2 )
For Distinction Work: receptiveness to new ideas is evident (U35/U36 D2)

Task 3)

Now design the web application as specified. Show your php code and how the mysql database is setup (what are the fields etc) (U36 LO4 4.1 / 4.2 + U35 LO3)

Screenshot and document the development process and your ideas.

For Merit Work: coherent, logical development of principles/concepts for the intended audience (U36/U35 M3 )
For Distinction Work: convergent and lateral thinking have been applied (U35/U36 D3)

Task 4)

(U36 LO4 4.3/4.4 + U35 LO4)

Test the system both hardware and software and critically review its performance.

Does the system you created work as per brief?
Can you edit the address book?
Can you just view addresses and not edit them?
What errors do you have?
Does it work at all?

What security have you used and why?

Does it work at all?

(An non – working system is not a failure, just document what happens and then discuss what you wanted)

upload one

Task 1)

Your manager want to understand the technologies involved in an internet services and wants an explanations of the acronyms that are going around also what web services are and also security concerns with web servers.

So create a table and critically evaluate these different internet technologies language explain what the following acronyms mean and how and when they would be used (U36 LO1 1.1 + 1.2) :-

DHCP, DNS, TCP/IP, SNMP, FTP, WWW, OSI, Proxy Server / Proxy address, Switch, Hub, Router, Server, Client.

Then just looking at web applications write a report which critically evaluates and highlights the concepts of web application (U35 LO1 1.1).

Focus on these concepts :-

Users – Who is the user of the site, what is a novice an expert etc.
Site – who uses the site and why?
Accessibility – vision impairment with larger fonts etc.
Legislation – Data protection act, how does that affect sites?
Functionality – What is a shopping cart? What other are the other elements?
Scripting language used by application – PHP, ASP, JSP what are they and how are they used?
What security concerns do we have with web services?

For Merit Work: Show effective Judgements. (U35/U36 LO1 M1)

For Distinction Work: Should show that you have had your own thoughts and processed the research and come up with original thoughts and ideas about the subject(U35/U36 LO1 D1)

Monday, 16 January 2017

Assignment One : unit 3839

Unit 37: Digital Image Creation and Development
Unit 38: 3D Computer Modelling and Animation
Unit 39: Computer Games Design and Development

Theory of games design

Load up and have a look at 3 3D computer modelling software packages.

Maya, 3D studio max and Blender.

When you are looking at them compare all 3 for usability and functionality. Do some research into what the requirements are for each application.

Then compare 3 computer games.

Do an unbiased report on all 3 games, try to pick games on different platforms and also have at least one of the games that span multiple platforms.

Assignment One for Unit 38 and Unit 39
Assignment Two for Unit 38 and 39
Assignment Three for Unit 37

Write all this up as an assignment.

Unit 71: Assignment one upload point

Upload your work to this post pls.